We ask that visitors come suitably dressed in old clothes that they are happy to get muddy, wellies and waterproofs (all year round). Hats, scarves and gloves are a must in winter. We do have supplies of spare clothes should they be needed.
On very cold days, we keep warm by being really active, but we also build a cosy shelter, filled with cushions, blankets and woolly jumpers. We collect water from the stream, which we boil in the kelly kettle on the fire, to fill hot water bottles. Finally, the fire is going all day and hot chocolate is served every afternoon.
Similarly, on wet days, we will build extra shelters together to help us stay dry. For much of the year, the main site is well protected with the leaves on the trees. It is really only in the winter months that we sometimes need further cover.
We can also use the stables and the Granary should we need an indoor space, for example, in very windy weather.